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New book: Pathways to Lectio Divina

We are very happy to announce the publication of Pathways to Lectio Divina, a booklet which explains the methods for shared and solitary Lectio Divina developed by the Manquehue Apostolic Movement and used by their friends around the world. It is based on their experience that the best way to learn Lectio Divina is to begin and make progress with the help of others. Solitary Lectio Divina then follows naturally as we realise that we live not by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.

In addition to a description of methods for shared and solitary Lectio Divina, you will find orders of service you can use, testimonies from holy men and

women across the centuries to the impact God’s word has made on them, and passages from Church documents that encourage the faithful to engage afresh in the ancient practice of Lectio Divina.

For more information and to purchase a copy, click here:


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